Tuesday, September 29, 2009


Many a times my friends n family from India have asked me "So do u like living in London?" My answer "NO, It's boring here, I don't like the place". But, being true to myself I somewhere like it here :)
Peaceful, happy and content - that's how I feel it here. Although I miss mornings of India, where one can usually here sabjiwala n doodhwala in the morning selling their stuff. But most importantly I miss family n friends.
My evenings in India would pass chatting with friends n going on evening walks with them. Here, in London the weather is very unpredictable so can't take my baby out daily.

On my baby's front she has started walking, saying mum (for water n me), papa n evens tells us to switch on d computer so that she can watch her nursery rhymes. My day passes preparing food, taking baby out for walk if the weather allows and playing wid her. I haven't been able to read much in the past few months but I do take a sneak peak on the blogs I love reading.
I have started writing about Home Remedies which is based on my experience wid my daughter. Hope u all like it.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

grandma's tips

Based on my experience, for dry nose in kids/infants, put small amount of desi ghee on finger tip and apply to the inside of the nostrils.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Short of Words

Usually I have many things to blog about but now I don't get time to blog about them or generally speaking I am sometime short of words. Sometimes I need a wake up call from my friends :)
P turned one year old on Sep 1. and we celebrated her B'day away from family and friends :( Well, not intentionally but coz we are in London for some time. We came to London in the first week of August and since then our weekends are spent either sightseeing or shopping. Our trip to London Aquarium and London Eye went fine but very hectic as P was not comfortable traveling in Tube. She wants space and wanted to roam about in the train but sometimes it's just not possible. Whenever we go out I pack her baby bag with things like:
  1. 2 Diapers
  2. 2 undergarments
  3. An extra t-shirt
  4. Something to eat
  5. Her sipper
  6. A pair of socks
  7. Sweater for winters
  8. Spoon
  9. Biscuits or Chips (for MOM)
  10. Toys
All these things are a must for me carry along or else I can't leave the home :)