This post is very special for me as I blog about my dadi ma. She expired on Jan 26, 09. I had just met her last year in the month of Nov. and I told her that I would come soon to meet her. I hadn't met her for last 5-6 years because of some reason or the other, sometimes the reason was studies and other times the reason was just laziness. I guess I took her for granted and thought she would live for many more years. Now I regrett not meeting her earlier.
This time when I met her, the real reason was Purvi, dadi ma called my dad and asked him if he could bring Purvi and Anu.
When I came to know that she was no more with us, I cried and at the same time thanked the almighty for I had a chance to touch her, talk to her when she was alive. All the old memories come rushing to my mind when I think of her. I remember asking her to help me with my math problems and she would do it in just fraction of seconds. Ohh...I miss her. May her soul rest in peace. She would wait outside for me and my brother, whenever we got late from school then she would cook food for us and the three of us would sit in the kitchen and eat together.
When I met her she told me that she misses me like anything and desires if I could come again and meet her. She was staying with my uncle in Punjab.
I am happy that my father was near to her when she took her last breath, holding her hand. She told my aunt that she just loved meeting me and Purvi and that she was happy. All that I feel guilty is that I could have met her earlier.